Thursday, April 24, 2008

Snoop Bloggy Blog

Welcome to my blog. This is the first post I have ever attempted and I hope I don't embarrass myself too badly. My lovely wife, Tasha, put me up to this whole thing and part of me is intrigued, the other part is struggling with the whole concept of making my inner thoughts available to the scrutiny of others I do not know. Why would someone care enough about me to stop and read about my "so called life?"
I am a 37 year-old okie with not much going on except a good career, a wonderful wife, and 2 beautiful (and crazy) children. I live in Vegas, the armpit of the earth, as my father would say. He said that about any place he preferred not to be, including Oklahoma. I like being a dad and feel very fortunate to have such a wonderful family.
Here is a secret for you......I read my wife's blog so I can find out what she is really up to. Sometimes a husband and wife don't get a chance to talk much after a hectic day and I find it is just as easy to visit her blog so I know what to expect when I crawl into bed with her. Her blog is killer. She says funny stuff and is such an an expert at articulating the mundane. Me......not so much. I think you will find that I can be quite direct and abrasive and am not much for beating around the bush.
So now that my first post is out of the way and you have some abbreviated idea of what I am about, I hope to intrigue you with some of my daily musings and observations for the shelf-life of this self-indulgent diary of my life. Cheers!!